BURN Fitness 101: Getting Exceptional Results from ROUTINE Behavior?
When it comes to fitness, BORING works!
Many of the people who come to us for guidance in their fitness and nutrition come to us already working out. Some come to us working out a LOT! In fact, a good percentage of our new clients walk through the doors of Burn Fitness currently OVER-trained. But despite the volume of their exercise and the severity of their diet… they’re NOT seeing results.
Here’s why…
Most people, who attain great results with nutrition and exercise, have a VERY consistent routine. Not JUST their workout routine, but a LIFE routine. Science has shown us in the past few years, that our hormonal state, and the general recuperative ability of our body, can dictate success or failure in the battle for fitness and fat loss. Much of your body’s hormonal state and recuperation comes from having a consistent sleep pattern, consistent nutrition pattern, and consistent training pattern.
Quite simply… if you sleep in one day, then drag yourself out of bed crazy early the next… stay out late a few nights per week, then go to bed at 8PM other nights… your body’s time-clock, which dictates stress hormones and recovery, will get totally out of whack. We’ve learned a LOT about “shift-work disorder”, and about how inconsistent sleep and recovery leads to health issues, fat gain, muscle loss, disease, etc. Inconsistent sleep patterns are one of the biggest stressors to your body, and can alone, kill much of your fitness gains.
Similarly… if you tend to eat only once or twice per day, and go hours and hours between meals, but then gorge yourself with a huge meal… you’re doing HORRIBLE damage to your metabolism, and your body’s regulatory mechanisms that control whether you store calories as fat, or build them into new muscle. Science has shown us that WHEN you eat is irrelevant for weight loss and weight gain… yet HUGELY important for body-composition changes (fat-loss and muscle-gain). On top of that, many people usually eat at some normalized time, and then a few nights per week pile on an additional thousand calories late at night… when the body is NOT expecting to be fed. This leads to HUGE fat-gain.
Finally… many people binge-exercise. They may go a few days or even weeks without any significant exertion, and then suddenly do two hours of exercise in one day, or string together 4 days of exercise-mania, training twice per day… then burn out and take another week off. We know from science that we DON’T build muscle while we are lifting, and we burn VERY little fat while we’re on the treadmill! The majority of fat-burn is from your body’s recovery from intense exercise, and ALL of your muscle gain is during the recovery time between workouts. So if you tend to BINGE on cardio, with little rest between sessions… you end up tearing down your hard earned muscle, and TEACHING your body to store fat between binges! If you binge on strength workouts, lifting an hour per day for three days straight doing full-body workouts, (like many popular group classes…. CrossFit, Orange Theory, and Boot-Camp) you are NOT giving your body sufficient rest to heal and actually grow new muscle. Especially as we age, we need MORE time between muscle "abuse" to repair, and grow.
In conclusion… the BEST routine for your body to continually progress is a BORING, consistent, structured routine of:
SOLID Sleep: The same hours EVERY night. Wake up the same time every day!
CONSISTENT Nutrition: The same foods, at the same time, in the same quantities… EVERY day. Nutritional chaos is HORRIBLE for your results.
CONSISTENT Training: A structured workout routine, based off of your primary, secondary, and “nice to have” goals… structured on YOUR personal recovery rates, YOUR personal strength, cardiorespiratory, and flexibility needs, and YOUR life-schedule. Hit the gym or training studio at the SAME time… every day (with a day off).
Throwing anything and everything in the refrigerator into one pot, cooking it at high heat, and then letting it sit and coagulate on the stovetop over three days…. does NOT result in a perfect dish. There is a recipe, a preparation plan, a set cooking time, and a serving method for every great dish!
Grabbing random wads of cash when you have it, and investing it into scratch-off tickets and shady business deals with strangers is NOT the way to plan your retirement!
Yet time after time… we talk to people who binge and stop on rest, food, and training… and EXPECT to get great results… They change diets every other week, try every new-fangled workout program that comes along, take five Orange Theory or Boot-camp classes a week on TOP of running and lifting… dive into daily RANDOM-WOD CrossFit classes working the SAME muscle-groups three days in a row to extreme exhaustion… then do NOTHING for a month… Guzzle MLM shakes, sample three different exercise-CDs every week… and end up injured… and UNCHANGED.
Come see us at BURN Fitness… Change your LIFE! Get on a scientifically PROVEN routine for results the same way successful exercise/nutrition practitioners have done it for YEARS. Trust us… Your body will THANK you!
When it comes to fitness, BORING works!
Many of the people who come to us for guidance in their fitness and nutrition come to us already working out. Some come to us working out a LOT! In fact, a good percentage of our new clients walk through the doors of Burn Fitness currently OVER-trained. But despite the volume of their exercise and the severity of their diet… they’re NOT seeing results.
Here’s why…
Most people, who attain great results with nutrition and exercise, have a VERY consistent routine. Not JUST their workout routine, but a LIFE routine. Science has shown us in the past few years, that our hormonal state, and the general recuperative ability of our body, can dictate success or failure in the battle for fitness and fat loss. Much of your body’s hormonal state and recuperation comes from having a consistent sleep pattern, consistent nutrition pattern, and consistent training pattern.
Quite simply… if you sleep in one day, then drag yourself out of bed crazy early the next… stay out late a few nights per week, then go to bed at 8PM other nights… your body’s time-clock, which dictates stress hormones and recovery, will get totally out of whack. We’ve learned a LOT about “shift-work disorder”, and about how inconsistent sleep and recovery leads to health issues, fat gain, muscle loss, disease, etc. Inconsistent sleep patterns are one of the biggest stressors to your body, and can alone, kill much of your fitness gains.
Similarly… if you tend to eat only once or twice per day, and go hours and hours between meals, but then gorge yourself with a huge meal… you’re doing HORRIBLE damage to your metabolism, and your body’s regulatory mechanisms that control whether you store calories as fat, or build them into new muscle. Science has shown us that WHEN you eat is irrelevant for weight loss and weight gain… yet HUGELY important for body-composition changes (fat-loss and muscle-gain). On top of that, many people usually eat at some normalized time, and then a few nights per week pile on an additional thousand calories late at night… when the body is NOT expecting to be fed. This leads to HUGE fat-gain.
Finally… many people binge-exercise. They may go a few days or even weeks without any significant exertion, and then suddenly do two hours of exercise in one day, or string together 4 days of exercise-mania, training twice per day… then burn out and take another week off. We know from science that we DON’T build muscle while we are lifting, and we burn VERY little fat while we’re on the treadmill! The majority of fat-burn is from your body’s recovery from intense exercise, and ALL of your muscle gain is during the recovery time between workouts. So if you tend to BINGE on cardio, with little rest between sessions… you end up tearing down your hard earned muscle, and TEACHING your body to store fat between binges! If you binge on strength workouts, lifting an hour per day for three days straight doing full-body workouts, (like many popular group classes…. CrossFit, Orange Theory, and Boot-Camp) you are NOT giving your body sufficient rest to heal and actually grow new muscle. Especially as we age, we need MORE time between muscle "abuse" to repair, and grow.
In conclusion… the BEST routine for your body to continually progress is a BORING, consistent, structured routine of:
SOLID Sleep: The same hours EVERY night. Wake up the same time every day!
CONSISTENT Nutrition: The same foods, at the same time, in the same quantities… EVERY day. Nutritional chaos is HORRIBLE for your results.
CONSISTENT Training: A structured workout routine, based off of your primary, secondary, and “nice to have” goals… structured on YOUR personal recovery rates, YOUR personal strength, cardiorespiratory, and flexibility needs, and YOUR life-schedule. Hit the gym or training studio at the SAME time… every day (with a day off).
Throwing anything and everything in the refrigerator into one pot, cooking it at high heat, and then letting it sit and coagulate on the stovetop over three days…. does NOT result in a perfect dish. There is a recipe, a preparation plan, a set cooking time, and a serving method for every great dish!
Grabbing random wads of cash when you have it, and investing it into scratch-off tickets and shady business deals with strangers is NOT the way to plan your retirement!
Yet time after time… we talk to people who binge and stop on rest, food, and training… and EXPECT to get great results… They change diets every other week, try every new-fangled workout program that comes along, take five Orange Theory or Boot-camp classes a week on TOP of running and lifting… dive into daily RANDOM-WOD CrossFit classes working the SAME muscle-groups three days in a row to extreme exhaustion… then do NOTHING for a month… Guzzle MLM shakes, sample three different exercise-CDs every week… and end up injured… and UNCHANGED.
Come see us at BURN Fitness… Change your LIFE! Get on a scientifically PROVEN routine for results the same way successful exercise/nutrition practitioners have done it for YEARS. Trust us… Your body will THANK you!