The BURN Fitness Way…
At BURN we understand that every client is unique. Every client has their own specific goals, or concept of where they would like to be, what they would like to get out of fitness and nutrition, and what they expect from a Personal Trainer. We also know that EVERY client has issues that challenge them and reaching those fitness/nutrition goals. Be it a physical limitation, a mental/emotional barrier, or external constraints on their time and energy. UNDERSTANDING these limitations, and having the experience in dealing with almost every one of them (successfully) in the past in our combined 40 years of experience is what sets us apart. The point we like to stress is… YOU’RE UNIQUE…
But your challenges are nothing we haven’t see, dealt with, and “fixed” before! TOGETHER, WE CAN DO THIS… And it is our passion, gift, and career to help you do just that. What to expect:
Burn is a family owned small business, not a corporate gym, or a franchise. Because of that, from the moment you step through our studio doors, you’ll be greeted by an OWNER, not a minimum wage desk-staff greeter. The person who discusses your personal, intimate, private goals, concerns, limitations, and dreams will be your ACTUAL trainer, not a Personal Training SALES Manager, who just sells training… doesn’t actually train you… and not some staff trainer assigned to you by the “who’s up next method" like they use at the big-box gyms. YOUR trainer will be an OWNER of the company, invested in your success. Your trainer will actually be the person who did your consultation… what a concept these days!! Our personal training program is not just another revenue stream for the corporation/gym, along with membership sales, and the smoothie bar. You’ll be a Burn family member, not a number. More than 50% of our clients have trusted their fitness to us for YEARS. Training, one-on-one (or two) is ALL WE DO. We don’t do aerobics classes, group exercise, boot camps, etc. Your sessions will be you and your trainer ONLY. The only other people in the gym with you will be trainers/clients, not lurkers, gym rats, or equipment-hogs. First and foremost, your trainer will be at the studio BEFORE you… we are professionals, not irresponsible newbies. The studio will be clean, organized, and ready for you. Frequently, we will be finishing up with our last client as you come in, and you’ll know beforehand what the plan for your workout will be. All of our clients are unique, yet the vast majority of our clientele have a similar goals, typically losing body-fat, and regaining/gaining muscle tone/mass and strength. The exercises selected to get them there will be based on the individual client’s abilities and limitations, but the SCIENCE is the same. Nothing you do at Burn Fitness will be magical, nor will it be random. There is a science behind safe results. We train using the latest and best-proven methods for results (modified to meet the client’s limitations). In general, we know that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the most effective form of “cardio” for most of our client’s primary goal… fat-loss. Steady-state cardio has its place, if the client’s goal is to improve their running, then they should run… but we don’t recommend exercises that are averse to the best outcomes, and most often steady-state cardio is NOT the best tool in your toolbox to achieve fat loss. Similarly, circuit-style resistance training of multiple sets, in a repeating sequence with limited rest is quite simply the MOST EFFECTIVE way to pack strength and muscle mass results into limited time. If you had 2 hours per day to workout with us, we’d design the program to optimize that time, but most of our clients only work with us 30-60 minutes… so we program-design for THAT training period. Some of our clients prefer to do their HIIT supervised and worked in with their strength training, and prefer to stretch assisted by their trainer. We offer that in our 60-minute sessions. Other clients prefer to do their interval work unsupervised on their own, before or after their strength workout, and are fine stretching out afterward on their own. We offer that too, but only suggest 30-min sessions! Your abilities… your workout. BURN is ALSO your “Private Executive Gym”. As a client, you have access to BURN for your own workouts (restrictions apply) as long as one of us is here. For example… If you are working with your trainer Monday/Wednesday/Friday morning, you’re welcome to come and do extra work on Tuesdays, even Saturdays, or in the evenings. It’s YOUR GYM! You’re family! You're invited! We believe that there is a “sufficient” volume exercise to see serious results. We ALSO believe that there is a LIMIT to the volume of total exercise a person should safely do! Please inform your trainer WEEKLY what exercise you are doing OUTSIDE of BURN so that they can safely adjust the training you do here. We stress highly doing ENOUGH exercise to get the results you want, but we also stress moderation for recovery. MORE is not always better. At BURN, we don’t EXERCISE our clients… We TRAIN them! There is a big difference. Exercise is non-directional. Training has a direction, a focus, progression, and variability. Sometimes your sessions will vary in exercise selections from week to week. Sometimes you’ll be doing similar exercises for a few weeks, but pushing intensity progression within those exercises. If your current trainer has NO PLAN for you, and no direction, and you are doing the same workout week, after week, after week, with no changes in weight, reps, or movements… FIRE your trainer. The Definition of TRAINING Insanity is ding the same workout over and over, yet expecting new results. BURN workouts will always push progression and test your limits (safely). At BURN Fitness, our focus is YOUR SUCCESS based in science (not the latest workout flash-fad), in an exclusive, professional, and always-positive environment! Come join the BURN Family. See what sets us apart!
Jeff Ward