BURN Fitness 101: Does your workout match your fitness goals? How do you know? Who designed it?
Many of the people who have come to me through the years for fitness advice work out pretty frequently already, but never seem to get any closer to their goals. Or… they just exercise because they’ve been told they need to, but have no idea what to really expect from the exercise they do. They pick a form of exercise they enjoy (or can tolerate), and then HOPE that it will produce the results they want.
This is kind of like getting on a boat and sailing to China… without a compass… or a map.
Our medical professionals tell us we need moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes 6 days/week to stay healthy. Of course they never define “moderate intensity”, nor differentiate between “moderate” for a 25 year-old vs “moderate” for a 75 year-old.
I know for SURE that the greatest percentage of the people who come to me for fat-loss goals have been going about exercise COMPLETELY wrong for what is often YEARS of time. I also get questions about gaining weight/muscle frequently, and then find out that 50% of what the person is doing is counterproductive to THEIR goals too. What’s MORE frustrating is taking on a new client who has worked with a “Personal Trainer” before me who never actually addressed the client’s goals! The Trainer gave them the program the TRAINER thought they needed, not the program the client was paying for.
If your goal is fat loss, you need to be doing a program that combines high intensity intervals and circuit strength training. If your goal is weight gain, you need to be doing MINIMAL cardio and slower progressive series strength training. If your goal is sports performance, you need to be doing sport specific power exercises, and functional movement training. All programs need to be fit to the limitations of the client, and to address proper form… but most important, they need to address the primary goal.
In general, there is no one-size-fits-all training regimen from a magazine that will work!
I often use wealth management and investing as a corollary. Some people need an aggressive investment strategy, and some need conservative. Some should be in stocks, others in real estate, and others in mutual funds. Some need a mason jar buried in the back yard…
And like a wealth management plan, or a medical procedure, or a home renovation… unless you yourself are an expert in the field, hire professional help. THEN seek a second opinion! I encourage all of my potential clients to seek out another trainer before they hire me. Because I know my product will address their goals… not mine.
If you’re spinning your fitness wheels, give us a call at BURN Fitness. We’ll get you dialed in for success.
Many of the people who have come to me through the years for fitness advice work out pretty frequently already, but never seem to get any closer to their goals. Or… they just exercise because they’ve been told they need to, but have no idea what to really expect from the exercise they do. They pick a form of exercise they enjoy (or can tolerate), and then HOPE that it will produce the results they want.
This is kind of like getting on a boat and sailing to China… without a compass… or a map.
Our medical professionals tell us we need moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes 6 days/week to stay healthy. Of course they never define “moderate intensity”, nor differentiate between “moderate” for a 25 year-old vs “moderate” for a 75 year-old.
I know for SURE that the greatest percentage of the people who come to me for fat-loss goals have been going about exercise COMPLETELY wrong for what is often YEARS of time. I also get questions about gaining weight/muscle frequently, and then find out that 50% of what the person is doing is counterproductive to THEIR goals too. What’s MORE frustrating is taking on a new client who has worked with a “Personal Trainer” before me who never actually addressed the client’s goals! The Trainer gave them the program the TRAINER thought they needed, not the program the client was paying for.
If your goal is fat loss, you need to be doing a program that combines high intensity intervals and circuit strength training. If your goal is weight gain, you need to be doing MINIMAL cardio and slower progressive series strength training. If your goal is sports performance, you need to be doing sport specific power exercises, and functional movement training. All programs need to be fit to the limitations of the client, and to address proper form… but most important, they need to address the primary goal.
In general, there is no one-size-fits-all training regimen from a magazine that will work!
I often use wealth management and investing as a corollary. Some people need an aggressive investment strategy, and some need conservative. Some should be in stocks, others in real estate, and others in mutual funds. Some need a mason jar buried in the back yard…
And like a wealth management plan, or a medical procedure, or a home renovation… unless you yourself are an expert in the field, hire professional help. THEN seek a second opinion! I encourage all of my potential clients to seek out another trainer before they hire me. Because I know my product will address their goals… not mine.
If you’re spinning your fitness wheels, give us a call at BURN Fitness. We’ll get you dialed in for success.